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Monday, April 16, 2012

Webquest Project

Click here to download my wikispace project as pdf.
Click here to download fable dissection chart as pdf.
Click here to download steps as pdf.

Oliver and Pingu

Once upon a time, there were an eagle named Oliver and a penguin named Pingu. They were living in New Zealand. Pingu were swimming in the sea most of the days and playing on the ground, Oliver were flying all the time and exploring new areas. Oliver were making fun of Pingu because of the fact that although Pingu belongs to bird familia he couldn’t fly even a meter long and he was slow on the ground also.
One day while returning from a long trip Oliver settled before Pingu and Pingu said:

-         Hi, Oliver flying looks fantastic can you teach me how to fly ?
-         Hey, You can’t fly like me. Penguins can’t fly, what a lame, isn’t it boring to be on the ground ?
-         Hi, Oliver I’m not bored I can swim and play with my friends underwater.
-         Errr… Underwater is worse than here. Why can’t you fly, aren’t you a bird, you are a lame, you can’t be a bird.
-         You are so rude Oliver. Penguins can’t fly that is true but we have the ability to swim. Each animal has something to do I get my food from underwater. Maybe someday you will need something from underwater how could you get that ?. Please stop making fun of me.
-         Whatever, I have lots of things to do up in the air watch and see how free I am.

After 2 months Oliver was flying again and trying new moves to show off. Suddenly he saw his prey, a sparrow, and rushed to catch it. The sparrow didn’t give up took a pebble from the ground and tried to run away. Oliver was closing the gap. The moment he was ready to leap on the sparrow, the sparrow released the pebble and hit Oliver on his right wing. Oliver started to lose altitude and finally fell into the sea. He couldn’t get out because he didn’t know how to swim. Oliver started screaming to get help. Luckily Pingu was around she heard the screams of Oliver and rushed into the water to save him. After they got out of water Oliver said:
- Thank you Pingu for saving me. Although I made fun of you and your ability to swim you came here and saved me I really thank you.
- I’m glad you are okay. Now do you understand the importance of the abilities we have ? if I could’nt swim you would be drowned here. Please be careful from now on.
- I understand well. From now on I will not make fun of any other animal. Each one of us has unique abilities to live and help each other. Thank you again my friend and have a good day.

Moral: Do not underestimate others, otherwise you would be in need of their help.

Webquests are not so hard. You should be a bit creative to produce a fable like this. It would be beneficial for young learners as they will both engage in telling their own study and using computer and internet to create it. I hope you like the story I told. As I was absent on this week I did the project alone.

1 comment:

  1. though it is a bit long, I like your story and the moral.
